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30 Actionable Steps for Promoting Your Small Business.

1.Create a professional looking website.

Think of a website as your storefront. It is the first place that potential clients check to learn about your business. Make sure it is professional looking, delivers a clear message and is easy to navigate. (Quick tip: People follow clarity so don’t overload your site with unnecessary information).

2. Develop a strong brand identity.

You need a logo, some brand colors, social media pages, a business card, and a decent photo. Make every effort to keep this consistent across all your platforms so you are easily found and recognized online. (Quick tip: people recognize logos before reading names).

3. SEO your website for people to find you

Use Google My Business to manage your online presence and increase visibility. And, get listed on all the other major search engines; namely Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, and Yandex.

(Quick tip: LocaliQ will list your business in multiple locations).

4. Develop a brand voice that is uniquely yours.

“A brand voice” is simply the style in which you deliver your information. The public learns to recognize your voice from consistently “hearing it” and this becomes part of the know-like-trust factor. (Quick tip; no one else delivers exactly the same way that you do. So, be your authentic self and shine in your space.)

5. Create shareable content like infographics or viral videos.

LinkedIn and Pinterest are the best places for informational posts but that does not rule out other platforms. (Quick tip; use sites like Canva and Adobe Express to quickly make infographics to nurture your audience.)

6. Post Reels/TikTok Videos

We are in the glory days of short-from content so jump on this wagon and don’t look back. Posting even one reel or TikTok per week can grow your audience tremendously. (Quick tip; not comfortable on camera? Then make photo reels instead.)

7. Use social media to promote your business.

Employ the 80/20 rule. Make your posts 80% fun, informative, and relational, and 20% sales, offers, programs, etc. An audience needs to connect with your brand before they feel comfortable enough to purchase from you. (Quick tip; social media is really about branding and not marketing)

8. Use Direct email campaigns.

Honestly, you do not own the forever-changing social media algorithms, but you do own your email list. So make the most of it and let your list do the heavy lifting by regularly nurturing your readers. (Quick tip; think of your email list as an exclusive audience with front row tickets to your “show” and wow them weekly).

9. Blog Posts

Blogs not only position you as a thought leader but also provides value to your audience. Write posts with shareable and actionable tips that allow readers to learn while getting to know your brand. (Quick tip; Blog posts are still one of the best drivers of website traffic).

10. Use social media to learn about customer Needs.

Audience engagement is a huge part of building the know, like and trust factor with audiences. Therefore, be sure to regularly respond to comments and answer questions on all your platforms. (Quick tip; engagement is the true key to social media success and not necessarily the number of followers).

11. Offer free consultations to potential customers

Who doesn’t like a freebee? See every consultation as a learning opportunity for how you can service your customers more efficiently. (Quick tip; Even if a customer says ‘no’ , treat them well and they will remember you for future reference).

12. Provide Stellar Customer Service

A great customer experience represents repeat and future business. Don’t leave customers with a bad taste in their mouths. Be professional, courteous and flexible. (Quick tip: It’s proven that disgruntled customers with a problem solved are most loyal).

13. Ask for Referrals

Satisfied customers are happy to refer you to their friends and family but in the busyness of life they may forget. Don’t be afraid to ask for them. (Quick tip; pull together a professional letter to automatically send to customers and don’t forget to thank them for selecting your business).

14. Create a referral program

Give satisfied customers an opportunity to spread the word about your business, earn points, discounts and even freebies. (Quick tip; almost everyone is motivated by a discount or freebee so don’t be shy).

15. Network, network, network

Attend meetings, seminars, trade shows, and enlist in local organizations to meet other business owners. Yep, it sounds time consuming but, trust me - there is tremendous synergy in meeting with people that pays short and long term dividends. (Quick tip; you can save costs and time by joining online business groups like Mobilize or NLX).

16. Create Business Partnerships

Connect to other businesses and bundle complimentary services to customers that use both services. For example, a graphic designer and a local printer can bundle their services together. A chiropractic office could partner with a massage business for wrap-around services. (Quick tip; small businesses are usually very open to any opportunity that allows them grow their reach).

17. Use customer reviews and testimonials to your advantage

Be sure to include a testimonials page on your website. But don’t stop there, include them on your social media pages too. (Quick tip; Nothing beats personalized customer experiences for enhanced business credibility).

18. Use Google AdWords to target customers

Google AdWords allows you to find out exactly what people are searching for in your niche. Knowing your customer avatar allows you to offer products and services that solve problems. (Quick tip; use Reddit, Google Analytics and read the comments and questions from similar social media pages).

19. Advertise in local newspapers or magazines.

You can target audiences online with well placed advertisements. And despite the proliferation of online marketing, hard copy newspapers and magazines are still very much around and always seeking targeted ads for their readers. (Quick tip; Some cost effective options are a Yelp listing, Quora or even LinkedIn).

20. Sponsor a local event or charity.

Pay to sponsor a local charity or event that potential customers will attend. Typically your business name will be seen multiple times on the event program, signage, event publications, and online event promotion sites.(Quick tip; be sure to attend and use the opportunity to network).

21. Start a YouTube Channel

With 1.2 billion active monthly users, it makes sense to start a YouTube Channel to market your business. Be sure to pack it with great information. (Quick tip; drop the lead-in fluff and get right to the answers people found your channel for, then keep it clear, concise, and actionable).

22. Use guerilla marketing

Guerilla marketing is not dead. We’re talking all types of merchandise from apparel and tee shirts to the classics like mugs, pens and notepads. (Quick tip: think of it this way - merchandise is the billboard that promotes your company long after you leave the room).

23. Publish an eBook

Nothing shouts credibility louder than being a published author. You can promote an eBook as a lead magnet to grow your subscriber list or sell it from your website or landing page. (Quick tip; a short eBook can be repurposed in multiple ways, such as blog posts, podcasts, infographics, reels, static posts, and more).

24. Host a podcast

You can host a weekly podcast talking about business topics and trends. Invite guests in similar arenas or invite published authors, bloggers and thought leaders to share their experience and wisdom with your audience. (Quick tip: Don’t forget to email your subscribers about each episode).

25. Podcast Appearance

Once you have some traction in a business, start reaching out to small local podcasters and request an appearance on their program. (Quick tip; Send a resume of sorts listing your products, services, experience and knowledge to discuss on air).

26. Use email automation to keep your customers engaged and informed.

Audience retention is 9/10s of the law in marketing, so set up automated emails that connect with your target audience on a weekly basis. It’s proven that people are more likely to purchase from brands they know, like and trust. (Quick tip; if you’re in their inbox - you have first dibs on their attention).

27.Use Facebook Live to showcase your products or services.

Sounds nerve racking but it’s one of the best ways to engage in real time with existing and potential customers. Talk about how your products engage with a live audience and demonstrate what makes your company stand out. (Quick tip; showcase something you often get asked about).

28. Harness the Power of the Internet to target your ideal customer demographic.

Take advantage of the global reaches of platforms like Facebook, Google, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok, Amazon and more to find and engage your target audience. Check out what customers are saying in complimentary niches. What questions are they asking that you can solve? (Quick tip; Use collected data to create powerful lead magnets to grow your email list).

29. Attend Industry Trades Shows and Learn the Latest Trends.

Industry relevance is critical in a highly competitive market. Attendance at industry events is the perfect way to combine information, education with networking. (Quick tip; try some smaller local shows and seminars to get started)

30. Post to free Google Posts.

You’d be amazed at the number of people that could find your business by using Google’s mega search engine. And, since it’s free of charge, why not add a post regularly. (Quick tip; Add a Google post to your social media content calendar).

In conclusion

This is not an exhaustive list but there are plenty of options for creating traction with your business. Best of all; most of these strategies only cost you some time with little to no cost. There are no overnight-success tactics when it comes to business promotions but each one has proven to produce results when applied on a consistent basis.

If you have a good business promo that has worked for you, pop it into the comments below!

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